Friday, October 24, 2008

Course Documents

Unit 1 - Fundamentals of Hardware and Software

History of Computers - Click here to view the presentation

Basic Components of a Computer -

Functions and Uses of Primary Storage Devices and Media -

Characteristics and Uses of Secondary Storage Devices and Media -

Explain and Uses Terms Associated with Backing Storage and Media -

Input Devices and Media -

Output Devices and Media -

Data Manipulation -

Systems and Application Programs -

Generalized and Specialised Application Packages -

User Interface -

File Management -

Data Communication -

School-Based Assessment


You are the Information Technology (IT) teacher of students from fourth and fifth forms at the Elmore Stoutt High School. Your school is co-educational.

There are 30 students doing Information Technology. Each student has a course work score and another score for examinations done at the end of the term. From these scores, the overall score for the term is computed.

It is customary for the parents/guardians to come in and meet with the teachers to review their child/ward’s performance and as such there is a fair amount of planning and preparation necessary. Consequently, the following tasks should be executed:

All student information should be transferred from the paper based teacher register to an electronic grade book;
The course work score and the overall score for each student are to be computed;
A letter of invitation to attend a Review Meeting is to be sent to parents/guardians;
A final report is to be submitted to the Department Head indicating the performance of the students and the outcome of the Review Meeting with the parents/guardians.

It is important that you clearly document any “assumptions” and other modifications and submit these with your printouts. These should be on a separate sheet titled “ASSUMPTIONS” and should follow your Table of Contents.



Letters of invitation must be sent to parents/guardians to attend the meeting to discuss their child/ward’s progress. These letters will be sent only to the parents/guardians of students who have a score of less than 80% overall. The review meetings will be held over two days: April 7th and 8th , 2008 based on the following schedule:

Monday 7th April, 2008 – Students whose last name begins with A thru M
Tuesday 8th April, 2008 – Students whose last name begins with N thru Z

Sessions begin from 9 am to noon, and 1 pm to 2:30 pm.

You are required to:
1. Prepare a letter to be sent to parents/guardians requesting their attendance at the meeting. The letter should:
a. be sent on official school stationery and be under the signature of the principal, Mrs. Barbara Turnbull.
b. include the deadline for response which is March 31, 2008.
c. be well formatted and free of spelling and grammatical errors.

2. Use the query MAILING_LIST as the source document.

3. Print the main document, data source and the FIRST and LAST merged letters only.


After the meeting, you need to submit a memorandum to your department head, giving an analysis of student’s performance, and reporting on the outcome of the review meeting with parents/guardians. The report should:
be no longer than two pages and free of spelling and grammatical errors.
use appropriately the basic features provided by the word processing package to enhance the quality of the document.
have TWO clearly identified sections - STUDENT PERFORMANCE and REVIEW MEETING. You are expected to report on the highlights of these areas, taking care to emphasise any situation that is outside of the norm.
include a report produced by the database management software.
include a chart produced in the spreadsheet component of the assignment.

Both these imported files (report and chart) should be placed in appropriate locations near
relevant text in your document.

Print the memorandum.


Each student’s assessment for the term is comprised of multiple tests, a project and an end of term exam. The tests and the project are averaged to give a course work score. All items of assessment are scored out of 100.

Your Head of Department wants you to use one or more worksheets to complete the student’s course work score, overall score and the associated letter grade.

The overall score is computed using a weighted average system that is subject to change. The weightings and grade tables are as follows:-

Assessment Type
Course Work 45%
Exam 55%
Final Score Grade
>= 80% A
60 – 79% B
50 – 59% C
40 – 49% D
< 40% E

Each student’s data should contain five scores inclusive of the score for the exam. One in every five students gained an A. The table below shows the assessments given for the Easter Term.

Test #1 Test #2 Test #3 Project Exam

Task A

1) Create a spreadsheet using the guidelines given above. Include the student’s name, ID number and class.
2) Insert columns in an appropriate position and compute the course work score for each student.
3) In two new columns, compute the overall score and grades for each student based on the weightings indicated above.
4) Numeric values should be displayed in appropriate formats, with % signs where appropriate and a suitable number of decimal places.

Print this worksheet. Include other printouts showing ALL formulae used.

In another area of the worksheet, extract the students’ name, ID number, course work and exam scores from Task A to complete the following instructions given below:
1) Complete the following calculations:
a. average score for the course work and exam scores. Place these calculations 3 rows below the last student. Label the row;

b. number of students in the 5 Arts class;

c. highest score in each assessment (Project, test etc.);

d. lowest score in each assessment (Project, test etc.);

2) Trudy, the sister of the student in row 3, joined the class late in the term and as such only completed the project and the final examination. She scored full marks for the project and 64% in the examination. Insert this data in the appropriate location.
3) Sort the data in ascending sequence first by last name, then by first name.
4) The administration decided at the last minute to make the weighting of both assessment components equal. Adjust EACH student’s scores accordingly.

1. Delete student number 15.
2. Use a complex criterion to find ALL students who scored an A on both components i.e. course work and exam.
3. Produce a 3-D column chart comparing the exam scores of ALL students. Use appropriate labeling for the title and the axes. Also include a legend.
4. Print the following:
a. data range, criteria range and the extracted results;
b. print the chart;
c. print this worksheet and the associated formulae used.


You are required to analyze results and prepare various reports in preparation for the Review Meeting. Existing data from the worksheets created in the spreadsheet application will be utilized. Additionally, data produced as a result of queries will be used as a data source for mail merge invitations to parents/guardians.


Create and populate tables based on the details presented below
(Remember ALL changes made MUST be reflected in your final printout):

i. Import all student information from the worksheet created earlier.

Note: In order to import table each field names should be in one cell ONLY and field names cannot be repeated (e.g., raw score, grade and percentage)

ii. The StuID, LastName, FirstName, Class, are required for the STUDENTS table. Delete all fields that are not required.

iii. The field names DOB and Gender and the relevant information must be added.
Note: Students in a fifth form class were born between April 1, 1989 and August 31, 1990.

iv. Each class is the group to which the student is assigned. A student can be in any of the following groups: 5 ARTS, 5 SCIENCE or 5 ACCOUNTS.

i. The field names are: Title, LastName, FirstName , Street_Address, Postal_Code, Parish, Relationship and StuID.

ii. The RELATIONSHIP field should use the following codes: MO – Mother, FA – Father, GU – Guardian. Sort the data on this field.

i. The field names are:- StuID, Course_Work score , Exam score; and Comment

Note: StuID; Course_Work score; and Exam score should be imported from the worksheet created in Task B of the spreadsheet component.

ii. Comment: An explicit comment by the teacher in relation to the student’s grade.
Example: Sally Simpson’s course work grade is missing as she was absent because of illness.

iii. Create appropriate relationships among the tables.


Create queries as follows:-
i. A calculated field to compute the overall score based on the following formula:
Overall_Score = {(Course_Work * 0.5) + (Final * 0.5)}. Name this query OVERALL_SCORE.

ii. List ALL students who have scored 79 or less in either the course work or the examination. The quey should include the student’s first and last names, gender, overall score, parent’s first name, last name and address. The results should be sorted by gender in descending order and name in ascending order. Save as MAILING_LIST.

iii. List ALL students along with their scores. This query should include all fields necessary for the production of the report in Task C. Name the query SCORES.


i. Use the query MAILING_LIST to prepare a simple report. Use a suitable title for the report. Insert a suitable graphic.

ii. Produce a report that shows the names of all students, grouped by Class, and sorted in descending sequence by average score. Give it the title ‘Student Performance by Class’ on line 1 and ‘For Easter Term 2008’ on line 2.

iii. Export the report ‘Student Performance by Class – For the Easter 2008’ to the word processor.

Submit the following:
a) A description of EACH table structure
b) A printout of the relationships
c) A printout of the data contained in EACH table
d) A printout of the query results
e) A printout of the SQL statements

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